Cats Can Love Too

I just wrote about losing my grandfather, and spent the day crying on and off. I’d be fine for a moment, find something to amuse myself with, even laugh, and then suddenly I’d think about my loss and start crying again.

Random note: I do have a cat. I’ve always been more of a dog person, had dogs growing up and had my own dog for 9 years before she passed away. My sweet doggy always knew when I was sad or sick and came to snuggle on me. I especially loved it when I had stomach aches since she was a small dog and laying on my tummy made it feel better. But my husband loves cats and now we have a cat. I love her too even if she’s an asshole like all cats.

During my moments when I was somewhat calm I was teasing the cat saying that if she was a dog she’d be more comforting. This was while she refused to come snuggle me and stayed just out of petting reach. To understand this you must know that when she had the choice between me and my husband she will always choose him. Oddly enough, him being the cat lover, he gets tired of her laying on him real fast and is constantly moving her away from him. Why do cats always want to be with the person who doesn’t want them, when I would happily snuggle her so much😩.

Of course, after finding out what had happened, I’d pretty much just been in bed. Got up to eat a bit and then went back to lay down. My husband had been sticking by my side, but predictably fell asleep after he had laid down next to me after lunch. And of course the cat is right on top of him giving me that normal look of he’s mine so stay away.

I wasn’t about to fall asleep so I was just laying there and started getting upset again, and not wanting to wake him I went to my step daughter’s room since she’s not here today. Surprisingly the cat followed me in there. Jumped up gave me the perfunctory bite on the foot and curled up to go to sleep by my side. As much as she’d rather be laying on my husband, I realized she actually had been following me around all day, even if it wasn’t in the most snuggly fashion. It actually made me feel better in some ways knowing that my asshole of a cat, who does everything she can to constantly startle me, attack me, and be a pain only to me, still seems to be trying to comfort me in her own bitey way.

Sometimes it’s the little things that remind you everything will be okay.

Why Clothes are the True Sin

Let me knock this out right away. I’m not advocating a nudist colony. I don’t want to see you naked any more than you want to see me naked. And I sure don’t want anyone out there ogling my sexy husband’s body. That’s for my eyes only.


My thoughts are that I always found it funny that showing off too much skin is considered disgraceful. This sort of prudish thinking is most often aimed at women. If you’re too scantily clad then you’re obviously a sinful woman. I mean there was a point in time where showing your ankles was equivalent to flashing someone. We got to cover up to be good girls.

However, any Christian should know that the Bible says that when God created mankind he made them to run around naked. There they were in the wild without a stitch of clothing on. It was after they ate the forbidden fruit (never understood the notion that it was an apple. Why would anyone keep eating apples then) that suddenly they were ashamed of their bodies and put clothes on. It was this action that alerted God to the fact that they had done a no-no. Which then means that putting on clothes was the actual sin.

We are now in a society where so many of us are ashamed of our bodies. There are people who are in great shape and beautiful who still don’t feel like they’re good enough. I read an article once that I wish I could find again that suggested being naked could actually make you feel better about yourself. You become more comfortable in your own skin. Your body also functions better in its natural state. So why is it still often considered taboo to be a little less clothed.

When I am in my own home I’m pretty much always in a state of undress. Except when eating. We all have our standards. Now obviously when my step daughter is here I do have to be a bit more clothed. But when it’s just me and my husband, clothes are merely a suggestion.

Of course this doesn’t work for everyone. My husband for example, while he admires my habit of tossing my clothes aside the moment we step into our home, he will never run around naked. Yet, since being with me he has become more comfortable and able to dress down more which does seem to make him happy. He used to be incredibly self conscious because he’s a skinny dude and many people in his life acted like that made him unmanly or unattractive. He simply did not fit their standard of what a guy should look like. Because of this he used to wear multiple layers of clothes even in the summer to make himself appear even the slightest bit bulkier. He hated being without all those ridiculous layers. However, the more self assured he became the less layers he felt the need to wear.

I mean he’s sexy and I think those folks were just jelly. But I do feel it bears consideration that constantly covering ourselves even when we’re alone can cause us to feel unnatural when we do see ourselves naked. Perhaps this perceived unnatural state is the cause of extreme insecurities that keep us from being truly happy with who we are.

I’m chunky and I’ll always struggle with my weight, that’s just a fact. My stomach is covered in scars from multiple surgeries. I’m far from being some great beauty. But when I look in the mirror I just see me. I’m not ashamed of it. I know I could make myself better but that’s just something that needs doing and nothing to stress over. And while it may just be me, I feel like the more time I spend outside of the shackles we call clothes, the better I feel.

But that’s just my opinion.